Tuesday, September 11, 2012


   In the Steve McQueen movie Hunger,there is a beauty in the production of that movie because of its ability to take and absorb viewers into the movie.  The director did such a good job of capturing the emotions and the pain of the characters in the movie, so that in our minds, we become that character. When all of the men in the Maze prision are beaten, we feel as if we are beaten. When they are feed mush, we feel as if we are eating and gagging on mush. When they are forced to run through the gauntlet, we run through the gauntlet and feel the intense pain that is resonating throughout their bodies. When Bobby Sands goes on a hunger strike, we feel as if we had not eaten in days.  I know that as I watched this film, my stomach was growling and making noises like crazy during those scenes. I felt like I had not eaten in days. I admired Bobby Sands and his ability to starve himself so that he could support what he believed in, and he inspired me to stand up for what I believe in more than I do.  Everything about that movie makes the viewer feel like they are there. The noises of pain as the men are being beaten in the gauntlet are incredibly realistic and frightening. Even the music in the background all enhance and support the emotions that the viewers are experiencing. This movie is a great movie, and it really makes me feel like I have been through the Maze prison and that I was a part of the 1981 historical Irish hunger strike.